Music is the mediator between the life of the senses and the life of the soul
Ludwig van Beethoven
The subject of water is highly overwhelming. We are so used to the presence of water around us that we take it for granted and forget its great powers. Water is not as simple as we perceive it. The behaviour of water is amazing as it swifts and changes its structure and form and shape over and over again only to be from the beginning to the end of everything. Water is everything. Water is life itself.
I have read thousands of pages about water. I have listened to hundreds of hours of explanations, researches, thoughts, insights, experiments about water. I have explored the drop of water and the depth of the oceans. I have acknowledged that 70% of my body is actually water. The further I seek, the more I realise how wast this subject is and how little I know.
Fun facts about water
Approximately 70% of the surface of the Earth is covered by water and approximately 70% of our body is water. I don’t think this is a coincidence.
Water can be solid, liquid, gas and something in between – which is known as the forth phase of water.
It was known that water exists only on Planet Earth. But recently scientists have found an enormous cloud if water vapor floating in space.
Less than 1% of the water supply on earth can be used as drinking water.
We drink the same water that the dinosaurs used to drink thousands of years ago.
Water carries information, memory, energy and nutrients.
It is estimated that an average person can live for one month without food and one week without drinking water.
Water absorbs sound.
All this information might be known by you already. But what does it mean beneath the surface? How does each one of these facts impact our lives? How can we benefit from the behaviour of water?
The nourish properties of water
As basic knowledge we know that water doesn’t have taste, color or smell. It is vital for all known living creatures. But what we don’t necessarily realise is that, depending on the source it is coming from, water contains vitamins, minerals and nutrients. While traveling through the depths of the Earth, water gathers all these elements and brings them out. Water is not only hydrating our body cells but also feeds them with the purest elements.
Beyond the nourishing properties of water, as a bonus, water helps our organism regulate its temperature, our joints moving, our blood running, the toxins leaving and the nutrients reach their destination. Mild levels of dehydration can affect our cognitive functions and mood. Drinking water keeps our brain running at its best. And there is more…
The molecules of water
As far as we know, the journey of water on Earth began when icy planetesimals hit our planet. Scientists couldn’t determine the time when water was delivered. Measurements of the chemical composition of lunar samples collected by the Apollo 15 and 17missions indicate that water was already present on Earth before the Moon was formed. More recent discoveries, from August 2020, report that water was present on Earth from the beginning of its formation is enough quantities to fill the oceans. This information is important mainly if it’s connected to the facts that water carries memory and information, it’s been always the same water and we drink it.
Men have lived for billions of years on the planet, in the presence of water, taking it just as it is. Instinctively knowing the vital role of water in their lives, they have started their first communities and flourished near water. The history states that in was in the 18th century when Henry Cavendish, an English philosopher and scientist, discovered that the hydrogen turns to water when it is heated and published his research. Inspired by these findings, Antoine-Laurent de Lavoisier, a French chemist, researched further more, discovered and named the hydrogen and oxigen molecules. Almost 30 years later, another French scientist, Joseph LouisGay-Lussac , determined the structure of water to being 2 parts of hydrogen and 1 part of oxygen bonded together – giving water a scientific name and structure H2O.
The frequency of water
But water has way more mysteries than its structure. And this was demonstrated by the Japanese pseudoscientist Masaru Emoto, after running an experiment that showed how water reacts to different vibrations. Highly controversial, his experiment was published in a New York Times Best Seller book – The Hidden Messages in Water. How ever, it is obvious that water is easily influenced by movement. And sound creates a movement which affects the water. Other experiments show that water reacts to frequency. And the frequency describes the number of waves that pass a fixed place in a given amount of time. Sound vibrations of different frequencies cause matter, including water, to resonate with that frequency. Certain frequencies pull discordant matter into a universal balance while other frequencies pull the matter into chaos. The lowest resonance of the water molecule is 22.235 GHz. The lowest the frequency, the denser the energy and the heavier everything seams. Lower frequencies tend to pair with negative charges and on the opposite, higher frequencies tend to resonate with positive charges. There is agreement among science, medicine, and metaphysics that certain frequencies can repel disease, and specific frequencies can destroy disease. When parts of the body become stressed or dis-eased it means that they are not vibrating at their optimal resonant frequency. One researcher, Bruce Tainio, found that a healthy human body resonates at a frequency of 62-70 MHz. Obviously, drinking water can raise our vibration. But not all water has high vibration. Stillness to water is like death to human. Therefore, it is important for the water to move in order to keep its vibration. Also, bacteria and viruses that might be in the water can lower its frequency with their low frequency. Words, thoughts and intentions have their vibrations too and can be used to raise the vibration of water or bodies.
The reason for music as healing instrument
As controversial as it is, part of the Masaru Emoto’s experiment can be replicated by any individual in any home. To test these findings a number of different people have pun rice in three different containers, together with water and for 30 days talked to the jars for at least 30 seconds according to the labels “Love”, “Hate” and “Ignorance” with the same initial result – the rice in the Love jar preserved very well, while the rice in the “Hate” and “Ignorance” developed mold and become brownish.
If the conclusions of this experiment can be proven right, another conclusion that Masaru reached is also proven to be right. And that is the effect of music on water. In his books he stated that water which was exposed to high frequency classical music formed beautiful symmetrical patterns when frozen, while water exposed to heavy metal music formed broken patterns when frozen. This means that the frequency of the music one listens to modifies the frequency of that particular person and directly impact their health.
Water is a great conductor. It can conduct electricity and it can conduct sound. The 3/4 water in our bodies absorbs the sounds around us together with their vibrations and runs it all over our bodies, through all our cells several times before it finally leaves our body. Not only that, but the fresh water that enters our bodies adjusts its vibration with the water that’s already in our bodies. How does it work? Well… when music is played, the sound waves travel through the air and cause the air molecules to vibrate. These vibrations cause the eardrum to vibrate, which in turn causes the bones of the middle ear to vibrate. This series of vibrations is transferred to the fluid-filled cochlea, which is a coiled, spiral-shaped structure in the inner ear. The cochlea is lined with cells that have tiny hairs sticking out of them. As the vibrations cause the fluid to ripple, it moves the hairs, which send electrical signals to the brain. The brain then interprets these signals as sound.
The power of sound
For decades scientist have been able to levitate small objects like fish or insects with the power of sound. In 2013 an experiment conducted by a Swiss team of scientists could levitate even larger objects, like a wooden toothbrush only with the power of sound. Obviously the sound vibration has more power than we know and it can influence the way we feel, think and behave. The sub-bass range is the lowest audible frequency range and home to the deepest instruments in the mix. Any music that express feelings of anger, frustration, melancholy, sadness, regret, nostalgia is low vibration music. On the other hand, music that transmits feelings of happiness, bliss, gratefulness, joy, love unity is a high vibration music. Piccolo is the instrument with the highest frequency.
All frequencies have their benefits and dangers. For example, the low frequency can lower the heart beat, increase the skin blood flow, boost relaxation and improve sleep while high frequency is known to lift burdens, bring clarity and set a clear direction. So sound can be used to balance our body, mind and spirit or… the waters in ourselves.
This article has been written after a thorough documentation from several sources. It’s not describing the absolute reality but the reality which can be know at this moment in time. For a more balanced and blissful life consider adopting a zero waste lifestyle. Check our social media campaigns to find our more.
Thank tou so much for this amazing article! I learned much from it and feel an even greater appreciation and awe for the body of water, for both its revelarions and mistery.
thank you for inspiring this article! I hope many people will understand better the behaviour of water in our bodies and its interaction with sound