900+ pupils reached in 5 major cities in Romania
Școala Altfel
The underwater world in VR so pupils can see the marine life and understand why we need to protect it
About the educational concept
Helping pupils understand why it is important and how to protect WATER
5000+ pupils from over 10 major cities in Romania subscribed for this educational concept. We reached 900+ until the COVID19 forced us to go back home. They were able to see the underwater world in VR, feel and touch marine objects for the first time, experiment with the snorkeling equipment, learn about the easiest way to protect the WATER by throwing the garbage at the garbage bin.
the world population generates
5 million tons of garbage daily. Only 3,4% is collected separately
Only 5% of the oceans have been explored so far
In Romania, the underwater sports are still very little known, even if they come with important benefits for the mind, body and soul.

Romania has ranked 2nd place in the EU for sedentariness. 51% of the Romanians never do sports.

December 2019 - january 2020
1800 pupils from public schools in Timișoara and Cluj-Napoca have registered so far to participate in the project. The complete list of schools bellow.
February 2020
2600 pupils from public and private schools in Sibiu and Bucharest have registered so far to participate in the project. The complete list of schools bellow.
march 2020
1200 pupils from public and private schools in Craiova and Constanța have registered so far to participate in the project. The complete list of schools bellow.
Our impact
Influencing the way pupils see the WATER and its vital role in our lives.
National Coverage
Our strategy is to use the national media as a tool for greater awareness on the water protection issues and solutions than the project itself. Engaging in this project will bring national awareness through our PR and social media campaigns. People love to buy from a company that cares for their well being. WATER is vital for the well being of every living creature on the planet.